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To: lightwave@webcom.com
Subject: Re: parenting to bones...
Lines: 27
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 95 08:42:06 PDT
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>You cannot parent a light to a bone ... but since bones exist in a object
>you can parent the light to the object. Once parented you can place the light
>where you want it and it will follow the objects movements(including the
>bone displacement)
"including the bone displacement"??? Is this true? If so, news to me.
Well, this is certainly NOT true as of LWPC 3.98c. Parenting refers to
the origin/pivot point(?) of the object, and since bones have zero
effect on them, AFAICT, parenting a light to a boned object will never
reflect the activity of the bones.
>rlhomme@pb.net (Richard L'Hommedieu) sent this message.